Things change, but your love for JC never will. Why not celebrate the place our alma mater has in your life by becoming a True Blue Member TODAY.
We have two categories of membership: Annual Membership at $100 per year and Lifetime Membership at $1000 forever.
Lifetime membership is an easy commitment to make and it comes with an exclusive True Blue Swag Kit, plus complimentary tickets to the acclaimed Annual Griffin Awards and an inscription on our True Blue Digital Wall of Fame.
Whilst we acknowledge and encourage the laudable individual efforts of several Old Boys in the Diaspora, together we can do so much more for our beloved alma mater. Funds raised from the True Blue Membership campaign directly supports academics (STEM/Robotics), sports, teacher training, infrastructure and welfare programs at Jamaica College; which goes a far way in cultivating the next generation of innovators, explorers and leaders.
Oh, and did we mention that membership is tax deductible? There’s no reason to wait a second longer to become a True Blue Lifetime Member or to become an Annual Member.

Check payable to:
Jamaica College Old Boys
Association of New York
PO Box 2567, New York, NY 10007
Direct Deposit to:
TD Bank
Account # 4348191703;